Dressed up with my kids for Halloween in Temecula, CA
(Note my own personal Swiss Army Helmet and dog tag)

The solution to poor retention, poor new patient calls, and a higher ROFconversion can be summed up in two words, "persistent marketing".
It's time to change your thoughts if you think that "persistent marketing"is not a key to getting more new patients and retaining the ones you have.
Let me give you an example.
Let's take Halloween since it's only 2 days away.
It falls on October 31st each and every year. You know its coming everyyear so why aren't you prepared to promote it so you connect with morepeople and get more new patients
Did you know Halloween is a mix of ancient Celtic practices, Catholic andRoman religious rituals and European folk traditions that "blended together"over time to create the holiday we know today.
Here's what's unique about Halloween. It straddles the line between fall andwinter, plenty and paucity and life and death. Halloween is a time ofcelebration for many people, especially children.
Let's take McDonald's.
They do NOT have the best tasting hamburgers around, but they sell morehamburgers than anyone. Why is that?
Because they understand persistent marketing, and they understand who to market to. They market to children even though they don't usually have a lot of money and they usually can't drive a car or even own one.
Halloween may have evolved over the years, as the days grow shorter andthe nights get colder, but people still look forward to parades, costumes andsweet treats to usher in the winter season and you should be taking advantageof this in your office.
You should have all the staff dress up and give away some special prizes foranyone that is coming to the office on Friday, October 29th. You can send outpersonalized Halloween Cards that no one is going to get except your patients.
You can promote your office by sending your top 20% a lumpy letter withsomething like a piece of candy to promote your party.
Now I know this is a little late, but you can add this event to your marketing calendar for NEXT YEAR. Get organized now and get ready for next year. Write down your ideas and put them on your calendar for next year and then review that one month before the event. (My Diamond and Platinum Members have this marketing calender in place it's part of the coaching)
People, or most people love to celebrate something. Anything actually.They like to get away from the stress of the job and life in general sohelp them. If you do, they're going to remember you and spread the word.
Dr. Erich
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